
Configuring AgenDAV requires creating a settings.php file in the web/config/ directory.

You will find all available settings inside the file default.settings.php. Please, do not modify default.settings.php, as any changes will be lost if you upgrade AgenDAV.

Save a copy of the default.settings.php file as settings.php, or just copy the settings you want to modify, and start configuring your instance.


Title of every page

Image filename which will be used as a logo. Has to be a valid filename placed inside web/public/img/ directory.


Icon filename which will be used as favicon. Has to be placed inside web/public/img/.


Text to be placed in the footer.


Array of IPs of trusted proxies, on which the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR header will be honored.


Database connection parameters. Uses Doctrine DBAL syntax, so follow the guide at for a better reference. Example:

$app['db.options'] = [
    'dbname' => 'agendav',
    'user' => 'user',
    'password' => 'password',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',


When using an SQLite database, note that there is a bug when using URL based configurations. Use the alternative syntax (path and driver) instead.


Internal CSRF token id.


Level of logging. Can be one from DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR.

Default setting:

$app['log.level'] = 'INFO';

Full path where logs will be created. Add a trailing slash. Example:

$app['log.path'] = '/var/log/agendav/';

Make sure the user that runs your web server has write permission on that directory.


Base CalDAV URL used to build all CalDAV URLs.

If you want to pass the username you enter on login into AgenDAV, then add a ‘%u’ placeholder to your baseurl. It will be replaced dynamically.


// SabreDAV
$app['caldav.baseurl'] = 'http://caldav.server/cal.php';

// DAViCal
$app['caldav.baseurl'] = 'http://caldav.server/caldav.php';

// Radicale
$app['caldav.baseurl'] = 'http://caldav.server/%u';


If you are configuring AgenDAV to connect to a CalDAV server using HTTPS, certificate validation will be performed. Both CA and hostname will be verified. If you are having trouble with your certificate, make sure you have your CA recognized by your system. See OpenSSL changes in PHP 5.6.x for more details.


You have to specify which HTTP authentication method does your CalDAV server require. Both basic and digest authentication methods are supported.


// SabreDAV
$app['caldav.authmethod'] = 'digest';

// DAViCal
$app['caldav.authmethod'] = 'basic';

Whether to show CalDAV URL links or not in the edit dialog


The base URL that will be shown to users if caldav.publicurls is enabled. It’s not used for internal connections.

Do not add a trailing slash.


$app['caldav.baseurl.public'] = 'https://public.caldav.tld';

Timeout in seconds for CalDAV connections. A value of 0 means to wait indefinitely, which is the default behaviour.


// Timeout after 5 seconds if connection to the CalDAV server is not ready
$app['caldav.connect.timeout'] = 5;

Timeout in seconds while waiting for responses after a CalDAV request is sent. A value of 0 means to wait indefinitely, which is the default behaviour.


// Timeout after 10 seconds if server hasn't answered
$app['caldav.response.timeout'] = 10;

Whether to verify the SSL certificate using available CA bundles. Defaults to yes, which is recommended, but can be disabled if the CalDAV server is using a self-signed certificate or a certificate issued by a non-trusted CA.


// Do not verify SSL certificate, it is self signed
$app['caldav.certificate.verify'] = false;

Enables calendar sharing between users

Note that calendar sharing requires full WebDAV ACL support on your CalDAV server. Sharing has been fully tested only with DAViCal, so it is recommended to disable calendar sharing on other CalDAV servers unless you know what you are doing.


Configures ACL permissions for calendar sharing. The default values will work with DAViCal.


Timezone to be used by default.

Make sure you use a valid timezone from


Default language to be used on AgenDAV interface.

Have a look at directory web/lang for a list of available languages.


Preferred time format: 12 hours (e.g. 3pm / 2:30am) or 24 hours (e.g. 15:00 / 2:30).

Set this option using a string ('12' or '24').


Default date format.

Available options are:

  • ymd: e.g. 2011/10/22
  • dmy: e.g. 22/10/2011
  • mdy: e.g. 10/22/2011

Which day should be considered the default first day of week.

0 means Sunday, 1 means Monday

Specify it as a number.


Whether or not to show week numbers in views by default

Specify it as a boolean (“true” or “false”).


Whether or not to show a marker indicating current time

Specify it as a boolean (“true” or “false”).


Default number of days covered by the “list” (agenda) view. Allowed values: 7, 14 or 31

Specify it as an integer.


Default calendar view when accessing AgenDAV. Allowed values: month, week, day and list

Specify it as a string.


When logging out from AgenDAV, the URL the user will be redirected to.

Can be left empty to redirect user to login page again.


AgenDAV uses php.ini session settings. You can override most of them inside settings.php by using the Just copy it from prod.php and set any parameters you wish.

The following example makes sessions expire after 20 minutes of closing your browser in a low traffic instance:

$app[''] = [
   'name' => 'agendav_sess',
   'cookie_lifetime' => 0,
   // Every request has 10% chance of triggering session GC
   'gc_probability' => 1,
   'gc_divisor' => 10,
   'gc_maxlifetime' => 1200,
   'lifetime' => 1200,