
In this section you will found instructions on how to install AgenDAV.


AgenDAV 2.4.0 requires the following software to be installed:

  • A CalDAV server
  • A web server
  • PHP >= 5.5.0
  • PHP extensions:
    • ctype
    • curl
    • curl
    • mbstring
    • mcrypt
    • tokenizer
    • xml
    • xmlreader
    • xmlwriter
  • A database backend


Some PHP releases have issues with digest authentication under Windows. If your CalDAV server uses digest authentication and you are hosting AgenDAV on a Windows server, make sure your PHP version is not affected.

See PHP bug #70101 for more details.

Most popular database backends are supported, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite.

Look for supported databases on this Doctrine DBAL driver list.

Download AgenDAV

AgenDAV 2.4.0 can be obtained at AgenDAV GitHub Project.

Uncompress it using tar:

$ tar agendav-...tar.gz
$ cd agendav-.../

PHP configuration

Make sure that you have the following PHP settings set:

  • magic_quotes_runtime: disabled
  • date.timezone: choose a valid time zone from this list.

This is usually done on your php.ini file.

Database requirements

AgenDAV requires a database to store some extra information.

First of all you have to set up your database. If you plan using MySQL or PostgreSQL, here you will find some basic instructions about how to set up them.

Setting up a MySQL/MariaDB database


If you have binary logging enabled in MySQL/MariaDB, make sure it is configured to use binlog_format = MIXED. Or just disable binary logging in case you don’t actually need it.

AgenDAV will complain and exit in case you have a different binary logging configuration.

Create a user in MySQL and let it use a new agendav database:

$ mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -uroot -p
Enter password:
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON agendav.* TO agendav@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'
mysql> CREATE DATABASE agendav CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
mysql> ^D

Setting up a PostgreSQL database

Use the special postgres system user to manage your installation. You can add a new user and a new database the following way:

# su postgres
$ psql
postgres=# CREATE USER agendav WITH PASSWORD 'somepassword';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE agendav ENCODING 'UTF8';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE agendav TO agendav;
postgres=# \q
$ exit

Then you have to edit the file pg_hba.conf, which is usually located at /var/lib/pgsql/. Add the following line before other definitions:

local   agendav     agendav                           md5

Setting up a SQLite database

SQLite is not recommended for production environments, but will be more than enough for testing and single user environments.

You will need a dedicated directory for the database:

# mkdir database
# touch database/agendav.sqlite
# chown -R www-data:www-data database/

Web server configuration

It is recommended to read the Silex Webserver configuration guide to learn how to configure your preferred web server software to serve AgenDAV. Just make sure to point your web server to the web/public subdirectory.

Being Apache one of the most used web servers, a sample configuration is shown below for reference:

 DocumentRoot /path/to/agendav/web/public
 ErrorLog logs/agendav_error_log
 CustomLog logs/agendav_access_log common

 <Location />
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
   RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]

You can enable development mode by following the instructions at Development environment.

Fix directory permissions

You should change the owner and group for all AgenDAV files to the ones your webserver uses. Make sure you allow your webserver user to write on the var/ directory. The following example assumes your web server runs as www-data user and www-data group:

# chown -R www-data:www-data web/
# chmod -R 750 web/var/


Now you should configure AgenDAV following the Configuration section.

Create AgenDAV tables

AgenDAV tables are created by running the provided agendavcli script.

After configuring your AgenDAV instance, including your database settings, just run the script like this:

$ php agendavcli migrations:migrate

Confirm the operation, and your database should be ready.