
Before starting this process, make sure you have a backup of your current AgenDAV directory, specially the web/config/ directory, and a dump of your database schema and contents.

Please, do not continue unless you have both backups.

Read all the Release notes starting at the version you are currently using, because some important changes may have happened. Apply those changes after updating the files from AgenDAV.

Make sure your system meets the requirements before upgrading. Read the Requirements section.

Upgrading from 1.x.x

If you are upgrading AgenDAV from 1.x.x, make sure you have the latest 1.x release installed.

After that, just follow the steps below.

Upgrade AgenDAV code

a) Updating from a tar.gz file

After downloading the new tar.gz file and uncompressing it, copy your configuration files from the old directory:

$ cp -a /path/to/old_agendav/web/config/settings.php \

This will only work if you are upgrading from AgenDAV 2.x, as older releases used different configuration files.

b) Updating from git

If you downloaded AgenDAV from the git repository at GitHub then you can checkout latest stable release from the master branch, or an specific version using its tag.

Just pull latest changes and checkout the release you want. For example, checking out AgenDAV 2.0.0 can be achieved with:

$ git pull
$ git checkout 2.0.0

Next step is downloading latest AgenDAV dependencies using Composer. If you already have Composer installed, just run:

$ cd web/
$ composer install

If you are upgrading from AgenDAV 1.2.x, you will need to install Composer. Follow the instructions you’ll find in the installation section.

Database upgrade

The database upgrade process included in AgenDAV lets you apply the latest schema changes without having to deal with .sql files and with no need to check which files you should apply to your current version.

Follow the guide at Configuration to create a new settings.php file inside web/config which contains at least the database connection details.

Once you have your database configuration prepared, run the provided agendavcli script this way:

$ php agendavcli migrations:migrate

Clear sessions and caches

It is recommended to remove all active sessions. Do it by running the following command:

$ php agendavcli sessions:clear

If you are running AgenDAV on a production environment, you should clear several caches:

  • Remove the contents of the _twig_ cache directory. The cache path is configured using the option twig.options on your settings.php file. If you did not override the default value, it should be found at web/var/cache/twig/ subdirectory:

    $ rm -rf web/var/cache/twig/*
  • Remove the Doctrine ORM metadata cache. Even if you didn’t configure it, the ORM tries to find any available caches (APC, memcached, etc). Clear it with:

    $ php agendavcli orm:clear-cache:metadata

Finishing the upgrade from AgenDAV 1.2.x (shares)

If you were using calendar sharing, there is an additional step required to complete the upgrade. The schema upgrading process from AgenDAV 1.2.x can’t handle the upgrade for the shares table. The old table schema makes hard to apply a clean migration, so you have to run a query to adapt the shares data to the new expected format.

The following queries will change the shares table for a DAViCal server, but can be adapted for other CalDAV servers.


Run the following SQL query:

UPDATE `shares` SET owner = CONCAT('/caldav.php/', owner, '/'),
calendar = CONCAT(owner, calendar, '/'),
`with` = CONCAT('/caldav.php/', `with`, '/');


Run the following SQL query:

UPDATE `shares` SET owner = '/caldav.php/' || owner || '/',
calendar = '/caldav.php/' || owner || '/' || calendar || '/',
`with` = '/caldav.php/' || with || '/';