Translating AgenDAV

AgenDAV translation system is based on labels which get translated into full sentences/paragraphs. They can contain placeholders which get replaced by the system depending on the context.

How to add a translation

Consider the en_US language to be the master reference language file.

  1. Copy the directory web/lang/en_US to a new directory inside web/lang with the name of the locale of the new language. For example:

    $ cp -R web/lang/en_US web/lang/fr_FR
  2. Rename en_US.php inside fr_FR/ directory to fr_FR.php

  3. Edit all strings on the file. Make sure you save it using UTF-8 encoding.

  4. Search the corresponding CodeIgniter translation and download its zip file.

  5. Uncompress the CodeIgniter translation into web/application/language

  6. Edit web/config/languages.php and add a new entry like this:

    $config['lang_rels']['fr_FR'] = array(
            'codeigniter' => 'french',

    This supposes the language file you downloadad for CodeIgniter resulted in a directory called french/

7. You’re done! Set default_language to your new language name (fr_FR in our example)