1. Installation

In this section you will be able to install AgenDAV.

1.1. Prerequisites

AgenDAV 1.2.4 requires the following software to be installed:

  • A CalDAV server (developed mainly with DAViCal
  • A web server
  • PHP >= 5.3.0
  • PHP mbstring extension
  • MySQL > 5.1


AgenDAV will only work with CalDAV servers that support HTTP Basic Authentication, and will fail with those that only support HTTP Digest Authentication. Please, refer to your CalDAV server for information about how to enable Basic Authentication.

1.2. Downloading AgenDAV and uncompressing

AgenDAV 1.2.4 can be obtained at AgenDAV official webpage, but you can use GitHub to download latest version. Have a look at http://github.com/adobo/agendav.

Uncompress it using tar:

$ tar xzf adobo-agendav-...tar.gz
$ cd adobo-agendav-.../

1.3. Database and tables

AgenDAV needs a MySQL database with several tables created. There is a file called schema.sql inside the directory sql/ which contains the table schemas.

Create an user in MySQL like this:

$ mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -uroot -p
Enter password:
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON agendav.* TO agendav@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'
mysql> CREATE DATABASE agendav CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
mysql> ^D

And then run the schema creation file:

$ mysql --default-character-set=utf8 -uagendav -p agendav < sql/schema.sql
Enter password:

Note the UTF8 parts on the previous commands. If you don’t specify them you will have some issues with special characters.

Now your database is ready.

1.4. Configuring Apache web server

Apache has to be configured to point to web/public directory, using its own VirtualHost or just an Alias.

Example using a dedicated virtualhost:

 ServerAdmin admin@email.host
 DocumentRoot /path/to/agendav/web/public
 ServerName agendav.host
 ErrorLog logs/agendav_error_log
 CustomLog logs/agendav_access_log common

Example using the Alias directive:

Alias /agendav /path/to/agendav/web/public


Make sure that you have the following PHP settings disabled:

  • magic_quotes_gpc
  • magic_quotes_runtime

1.4.1. Other web servers

AgenDAV should work on all other web server software if they support PHP scripts, but this is untested.

1.5. Configure AgenDAV

Now you can proceed to configure AgenDAV following the Configuration section.