Release notes

2.2.0 (?)

  • PHP 5.6 or greater is required.
  • Silex 2.0 is now being used, so any modifications prepared for AgenDAV 2.1.x (which was based on Silex 1.x) will probably be broken.

2.0.0 (2016-11-19)

Relevant release notes from all 2.0.0 release candidates and betas:

  • Note that AgenDAV now requires PHP 5.5.9 or greater.
  • AgenDAV needs Composer. If you are using the tarball from the website you don’t have to worry at all. Otherwise, you’ll have to install it and fetch AgenDAV dependencies. You’ll find instructions on download_dependencies.
  • AgenDAV now uses a single settings.php file. Details on this file are provided on Configuration.
  • Deep database changes are required. Instructions are provided on Database upgrade
  • If you want to upgrade from AgenDAV and you use calendar sharing, note that running an SQL statement is required to complete the upgrade. More details can be found in the Upgrading section.
  • Read the CHANGELOG for a detailed list of changes.

2.0.0-rc2 (2016-11-05)

  • This release includes updated translations. They were missing on rc1

2.0.0-rc1 (2016-11-05)

  • This release candidate handles shared calendars again. If you want to upgrade from AgenDAV and you use calendar sharing, note that running an SQL statement is required to complete the upgrade. More details can be found in the Upgrading section.
  • Read the CHANGELOG for a detailed list of changes.

2.0.0-beta2 (2016-04-20)

  • Note that AgenDAV now requires PHP 5.5.0 or greater.
  • This beta release cannot handle shared calendars yet, and your existing shares will be removed from the database. Please, make sure you are not upgrading a production environment which uses calendar sharing.
  • Read the CHANGELOG for a detailed list of changes.

2.0.0-beta1 (2015-08-26)

  • AgenDAV needs Composer. If you are using the tarball from the website you don’t have to worry at all. Otherwise, you’ll have to install it and fetch AgenDAV dependencies. You’ll find instructions on download_dependencies.
  • AgenDAV now uses a single settings.php file. Details on this file are provided on Configuration.
  • Deep database changes are required. Instructions are provided on Database upgrade
  • This beta release cannot handle shared calendars, and your existing shares will be removed from the database. Please, make sure you are not upgrading a production environment which uses calendar sharing.
  • Read the CHANGELOG for a detailed list of changes. and (2012-10-15)

This release just fixes a problem with some timezones which have three components, such as America/Argentina/Cordoba. AgenDAV 1.2.6 refused to parse calendars that contained events with those kind of timezones.

1.2.6 (2012-09-03)

  • This release requires neither configuration changes nor DB schema updates.
  • Reminders feature has been added. Reminders will be attached to events, but this version of AgenDAV is not capable of showing popups for them yet. Other CalDAV clients, such as smartphones and desktop applications, will understand them.
  • A new log_create_permissions option has been added to advanced.php configuration file. Default is 0640 (2012-06-11)


This version has a bug that will make Database upgrade to fail if you have AgenDAV configured to use a language other than English. Please, set default_language to en before running agendav dbupdate

  • This release fixes some invalid SQL queries included in the database update process

1.2.5 (2012-06-07)

  • DB schema needs to be updated, but a new database upgrade process is now available. No more *.sql files, just read Database upgrade section.
  • This release requires PHP cURL support. Make sure your PHP installation has the cURL module enabled
  • Now you can share a calendar in read-only mode. You’re advised to create a new caldav.php configuration file using the provided template
  • Date and time format options have been moved inside config.php. Prior to this release they were set inside lang files, which didn’t make much sense. Have a look at new options format_full_date, format_column_month, format_column_week, format_column_day, format_column_table, format_title_month, format_title_week, format_title_day and format_title_table
  • Translations are now managed using Transifex. Note that default language has been renamed from en_US to en, as I think it’s a neutral English

1.2.4 (2012-01-16)

This release requires no database changes. Contains a fix for localization support for IE7, and lots of aesthetical changes, besides upgraded libraries (jQuery 1.7.1, qTip2 and iCalcreator). Session cookies are now smaller and contain only session identifiers.

  • You have to create a new caldav.php config file using the provided template (caldav.php.template) because caldav_url has been split into two new configuration parameters. Some CalDAV servers use different URLs for principals and calendar collections/resources, and the previous model didn’t work with them:
  • caldav_principal_url will be used to generate principal URLs
  • caldav_calendar_url will be used to generate calendar and resource URLs
  • A new enable_calendar_sharing setting has been added to caldav.php to disable calendar sharing for those servers that don’t support WebDAV ACLs
  • advanced.php configuration file has been updated, make sure you don’t overwrite your own changes.
  • Note that required PHP version is 5.3.0 and not 5.2, there was an error on the requisites list.
  • A setup test script has been included to check if your system meets some basic requisites. Follow the Troubleshooting AgenDAV section for more details.

1.2.3 (2011-11-08)

This release fixes some bugs with am/pm indicators under some circumstances, editing recurring events, include_path problems and other bugs.

It also introduces dynamic text color calculation and new default calendar colors, so it’s recommended to remove the following settings from config.php:

  • default_calendar_color: now the first color from calendar_colors is used
  • additional_calendar_colors: this option has been replaced by calendar_colors

Copy calendar_colors definition from config.php.template to your config.php

This release requires no database upgrades.

1.2.2 (2011-10-25)

This release fixes important issues with recurrent events. It also fixes the am/pm indicator on times.

It requires no database upgrades.

1.2.1 (2011-10-24)

This release mainly fixes issues with timezone differences and Daylight Save Time problems.

Also updates iCalcreator library to latest version (2.10.15) and qTip2.

It requires no database upgrades.

1.2 (2011-10-17)

  • DB schema needs to be altered. UTF8 wasn’t being used by default, and sessions table wasn’t using InnoDB. Apply the changes on sql/changes/1.1.1_to_1.2.mysql, which are the following:

    ALTER DATABASE agendav CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
    ALTER TABLE sessions ENGINE InnoDB;
  • Main configuration file (config.php) has been completely rewritten to make it easier to write. Please, use the provided config.php.template as the base for a new config.php

  • Interface translation and timezone configuration is now possible in AgenDAV. Please, make sure you set correct values on config.php

  • AgenDAV has lots of corrections and fixes. See the CHANGELOG

1.1.1 (2011-09-24)

  • Fix DB schema. Wasn’t properlty updated on sql/schema.sql, which caused a problem with sessions

    To correct this issue without completely recreating your current database, run the following two queries:

    CREATE INDEX last_activity_idx ON sessions(last_activity);
    ALTER TABLE sessions MODIFY user_agent VARCHAR(120);
  • Remove LDAP dependency. AgenDAV now authenticates against CalDAV server.

    Before this change, AgenDAV authenticated users at first using LDAP, and then your CalDAV server had to authenticate them again. With this change, AgenDAV completely relies on your CalDAV server.