
Please, read this section if you want to contribute to AgenDAV with code. You can even use this information to confirm a bug.

Virtual Machine

Configuring a working environment for AgenDAV can be difficult. There are so many requirements (web server, PHP, PHP libraries, Composer, a CalDAV server...).

To make the task of setting up an environment easier, AgenDAV ships with a Vagrant file and an Ansible playbook. If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry! They are just two tools used to generate a virtual machine with everything prepared to work on AgenDAV.

Software you will need:

Once you have them installed, let Vagrant initialize the virtual machine:

$ vagrant up

A base image has to be downloaded, and lot of packages have to be installed inside the machine, so this will take a while. Go grab a drink until the machine is ready!

The virtual machine can be stopped and started again using Vagrant. The initialization process will only run the first time you do vagrant up, and next starts will just require a few seconds.

You can stop the machine with vagrant halt, and running vagrant up again will bring it back to life.

Your current working directory is shared with the virtual machine, so you can develop on your local machine and your changes will be visible inside the virtual machine.

Accessing the virtual machine

The environment created inside the virtual machine will be accessible using the following URLs and commands:

The credentials for this environment are:

  • Username: demo
  • Password: demo

Note that Development environment will be enabled by default.

Building assets

If you are going to work on stylesheets, scripts or templates, you will need npm. Run the following command to download all required dependencies:

$ npm install
$ npm run bower


Stylesheets are built using the Less pre-processor. They are written as .less files and can be found inside the assets/less directory.

Run the following command to rebuild them:

$ npm run build:css


Stylesheets are built using the dustjs templating engine. They can be found inside the assets/less directory.

Run the following command to rebuild them:

$ npm run build:templates


Run the following command to rebuild them:

$ npm run build:js